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Rebecca Armstrong

Job opportunities: The Hornbeam is recruiting …

The Hornbeam Centre is seeking to recruit two people committed to and excited by our vision of active communities where people have a positive impact on their environment.

They will have the energy and skills to play a lead role in achieving our mission to:

  1. inspire people to think about how we live our lives and use resources;

  2. empower community-led action and

  3. support new initiatives that lead to positive environmental and social change.

Could one of them be you or someone you know? Please circulate this widely.


The Hornbeam provides a community space for the delivery of projects and initiatives that take action on environmental and social issues, working in close partnership with other organisations across the borough (in particular Forest Recycling Project, HEET and Organiclea). As well as providing this space in a virtual sense, we provide it physically in the form of two buildings, the Hornbeam Centre at the Bakers Arms in Walthamstow, and the John Beanse Education Centre at Pimp Hall Nature Reserve in Chingford. We support a community café in the Hornbeam space and we run a ‘low cost living’ campaign to engage local residents and promote low carbon lifestyles, health and well being, and saving households money.

We are looking for two highly motivated and organised people with the ability to work with others to build up a vision and long-term strategy for The Hornbeam. The ideal candidates will share a passion for community based environmental and social activity, and have excellent project management and fundraising skills, willing to combine day to day operational delivery with strategic development.

We want to fit the roles to individuals rather than the other way round so we’re looking for two people we can work with to shape the specific role and hours that will best match their skills. Resources are secured to fund six worker days. The hours and specific responsibilities of each role will be determined in discussion with selected applicants, but it is envisaged that the roles will be split as 3 days and 3 days, or 4 days and 2 days. Tasks and responsibilities will include some or all of the following:

  1. Project delivery (a £25,000 per annum project budget), including project monitoring and funder reporting;

  2. Developing new initiatives and fundraising (including activities based in our community café);

  3. Strategic planning linked to our vision and mission;

  4. Developing and maintaining partnerships;

  5. Outreach and networking;

  6. Managing budgets;

  7. Organisational administration;

  8. Overseeing Centre use (including room and office hire) and liaising with key users;

  9. Involving and supporting volunteers;

  10. Maximising income generation from the Centre and its projects

  11. Develop and maximise use of the Hornbeam website and social media

Click here for more details about the roles, including the skills and experience we are seeking, and employment conditions.


How to apply

Please write a brief outline explaining why you are interested in joining the Hornbeam team, what experience and skills you can bring to Hornbeam’s work, and your work and training history (this could be attached as a CV). Please also provide the name and contact details of two referees; your own contact details; information on any unspent convictions, and details of how you heard about this recruitment.

Closing date for applications: midday on Monday 15 June 2015

Interviews are scheduled for: Monday 22 June 2015

Please send your applications to: Paul Gasson, email or write to Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe St, Walthamstow, E17 9AH.

The Hornbeam Low Cost Living Project is supported by grants from the City Bridge Trust (the City of London Corporation’s Charity).

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