… with an afternoon of fun, relaxation, crafts, food and cashless trading on Sunday 17th November.
Join Waltham Forest LETS – the local exchange trading scheme where members offer and receive goods and services without the use of money.
2-3pm AGM – look back on the year and make plans for the next.
3-5pm Come and chill, meet LETS members, and get trading.
Massage and reiki
Natural cosmetics
Floristry demonstration and arrangements to buy
Make your own Seasonal bunting
Cake buying, cake decorating, … and of course cake eating.
And more
And at 4pm: Speed trading – find out who’s offering what on LETS
Non-members welcome to come and find out more. Enrolment on the day.
Venue: Quakers Meeting House, 1A Jewel Road, Walthamstow E17 4QU