This month, one of our regulars was struck down by Covid so couldn’t attend, and our attempt at using Zoom wasn’t quite as successful as we’d hoped. Rebecca Armstrong reports on the latest Transition Walthamstow meeting.
The latest meeting of the Transition Walthamstow reignition group took place on 14 November. It was a smaller gathering than usual, with just three of the regulars in person. However, we did get a new member, which is always something to celebrate. So a very warm welcome goes out to Sam!
One regular was sadly isolating due to having tested positive for Covid. Mike tried joining us via Zoom. But it was only partially successful. It was good to catch up with him, but he couldn’t really take part in the meeting so he bowed out early.
Other than that, the meeting was a good one. We talked about our plans for this website. We want to make it bigger and better and much nicer to use and look at. We want to fill it with lots more stuff to read and photos.
It’s good to talk This is part of our plan to communicate better with our local community. It’ll also include more from us on our social media channels (you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook, if you don’t already) and more via email. You’ll also hopefully see posters and fliers all about us in shops and cafes around Walthamstow.
Inspired by our friends at Transition Leytonstone, we’re also looking at hosting a ‘green directory’ of Walthamstow-based organisations that are working to minimise their impact on our environment. Get in touch if you know of any businesses that should be included!
We also want to get involved with more events, having a presence at other organisations’ events and – when we’re big enough – hosting our own. We want to raise awareness of Transition Walthamstow and get as many people involved as possible. Being more visible is absolutely crucial to this.
Our inaugural event, a film screening of Once You Know, was good fun and very successful. But we all agree we need to get more people on board before we start organising events on a regular basis.
One initiative is to have a presence in Waltham Forest’s libraries. In partnership with the Hornbeam Centre and London Borough of Waltham Forest, Amy will be taking her hubRen, a mobile, pop-up hub of resources for community resilience, to the area’s libraries on selected dates.
The first will be popping up at the beautiful Lea Bridge Library’s newly opened Community Living Room from 2pm-4pm on Sunday 4 December – why not pop along to find out more about the hub and Transition Walthamstow? Regular monthly pop-ups will follow.
Next meeting Our next meeting will be at 7.30pm on 12 December at Le Delice, 114 Hoe Street. All welcome! Come along and share your ideas for Transition Walthamstow.