Energy Fair
Transition Walthamstow will have a stall at the Energy Fair 10am – 1pm this Saturday 12th November at Walthamstow Town Square.
We’ll be running an ‘energy generator’ visioning exercise for those who want to help shape our vision of a carbon busting, inspirational, fun, & resilient local community.
A number of local groups will also be present, including Forest Recycling Project (with a mini ‘give or take’), HEET, Bikeworks (who’ll be doing free Dr. Bike check ups), Friends of the Earth, OrganicLea and the Hornbeam Centre.
Do drop in to say hello.
Some inspiration, some celebration, and a bit of a shindig with Rob Hopkins
Transition Towns founder Rob Hopkins will be promoting his new book The Transition Companion at the London Transition Groups Gathering at the GLA on Thursday 1st December. Come and share what you’re up to and what you’re learning ? Whether you’re already involved or just interested to know more, all welcome.
With London Low Carbon Zones, Project Dirt and the London Low Carbon Communities Network
GLA, Rooms 4&5, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA
Thurs Dec 1st 6.30pm for a 7pm start
Tickets in advance only
Before Fri 18th £7 and £3 (concs). After Nov 18th £8 and £4 (concs)
Copies of The Transition Companion available on the night